Welcome to Susan's Space

My Background / 背景

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and hold licenses to practice in North Carolina, New York, and New Jersey states. My journey started when a close friend of mine was diagnosed with major depression in 2001. Being able to be on her side to go through the process of receiving counseling services, strongly motivated me to become a mental health clinician one day. I came to realize there was a lack of qualified clinicians in my community and I wanted to be the catalyst of change of this phenomenon. In 2006, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of California, Irvine. I continued to complete my master's degree in Public Health from the University of Southern California and Master of Social Work from New York University in 2009 and 2014, respectively.

I have worked primarily with individuals ranging from children and adolescents all the way up to adults across different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. I am passionate in providing therapy services that include individual therapy sessions as well as group work because they both offer an opportunity for self-discovery while connecting people who share similar experiences together. I am specialized in working with people who struggle with anxiety, depression, identity issues, and trauma, however, I also enjoy helping those who are seeking general guidance or coaching so they can reach goals that they set for themselves.

Currently, I work as a clinical social worker at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I also partner with Duke University, North Carolina State University, and The Juilliard School's Counseling Center to provide counseling to students who prefer receiving services in Mandarin. Besides working full time as a college counselor, I am also serving on the Board of Directors at North Carolina Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NCCAHT). Serving survivors of human trafficking has been another calling of mine, and I have continued to be an advocate and activist in speaking up for this vulnerable community since 2010.
我是一名臨床社工員(LCSW),持有北卡羅來納州、紐約州和新澤西州執業的執照。2001年,因為一位朋友被診斷出患有重度抑鬱症,開啟了我對心理健康的關注也一路陪伴著她接受諮詢治療。這數年的過程當中,強烈地激勵我想成為一名合格心理健康臨床社工員。我開始意識到我的社區缺乏合格的臨床心理諮詢師,我想成為改變這種現象的催化劑。2006 年我獲得了——加州大學爾灣分校的心理學學士學位。接著我於 2009 年和 2014 年,分別取得南加州大學公共衛生碩士學位,和紐約大學社會工作碩士學位。

這些年來,我輔導過:不同年齡、文化及社會經濟背景的兒童、青少年、及成年人,我已擁有多年諮詢的經驗。我熱衷於提供個人治療和小組治療課程。這些治療方式都提供了自我發現的機會,同時將具有相似經歷的人聯繫在一起。 我擅長輔導人們焦慮、抑鬱、身份認別和創傷等症狀,同時我亦熱於幫助正在尋求一般指導或輔導的人,以便他們能夠實現為自己設定的目標。

目前,我在北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校,諮詢和心理服務中心,擔任臨床社會工作者。我還與杜克大學、北卡羅來納州立大學、茱莉亞學院的諮詢中心合作,特別為需要普通話服務的學生提供諮詢服務。 除了全職大學輔導員外,我也擔任北卡羅來納州打擊人口販運聯盟(NCCAHT )的董事。 積極為人口販運的倖存者服務,是我的另一個使命。自從2010年來,我一直是這弱勢群體發聲的倡導者。
  • NC/NY/NJ License

    Licensed Clinical Social Work (LCSW) in North Carolina, New York, and New Jersey states

  • Trilingual

    Fluent in Mandarin and English, proficient in Taiwanese

  • Accepts Insurance

    Accepts NY (Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Oscar, Oxford, United Healthcare), NC and NJ (Aetna, Cigna)
    接受紐約州 (Aetna,BCBS,Cigna,Oscar,Oxford,United Healthcare),北卡羅來納和紐澤西州 (Aetna,Cigna )

  • Teletherapy

    Able to provide teletherapy to clients

    Meet Susan / 認識雨珊

    Psychotherapist / 心理諮商師

    Licensed Clinical Social Work in New York State


    I was born in Taiwan and immigrated to California when I was 12 years old. After living in California for 16 years, I decided to move to New York to “check it out”, and never in my wildest dreams thought that I would settle in the East Coast. Since I was a child, I enjoyed helping disadvantaged students and therefore decided to invest myself in social work. In addition to focusing on the social work field, my hobbies include writing, photography, and traveling. My hobbies not only help me to relax, but assist me in gaining the ability to reflect, inspire and motivate myself and others in both my personal and professional life.

    出身在台灣,12歲時來到美國加州可以說是一位標準的小留學生。在加州住了16年後決定搬來紐約來一探究竟, 從來沒有想過我竟然就不知不覺在美國東岸定居下來了。 從小就喜歡幫助比較弱勢的同學所以長大決定投入社工專業是再好不過的選擇。除了專心投入在社工領域𥚃,寫作,攝影,旅行都是我的興趣之一。喜好不僅讓我放鬆,還幫助我獲得了個人生活和職業生涯的反思,靈感及動力的能力。

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